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Signed Copy- Child of the King: Discover the honor, purpose, and destiny already within

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Trapped in a damp jail cell, Vince Nelson awakens and reflects on what led him to this point in life. An affair, pending divorce, loss of a career, friendships and respect, and years of failure disguised as success.

He had endured childhood sexual abuse and was facing a possible DWI charge...all painful experiences that led him to depression, loss of purpose and a life wrought with an identity crisis.

What happens when you've hit rock bottom? Having lost all, sometimes a miracle happens. For Vince when the jail cell door opens, a new identity awaits. Travel with Vince on his journey through healing and restoration as he discovers the Fathers plan for each of us. Vince begins a new journey of freedom and discovery as he climbs Mt Kilimanjaro, where he meets someone that will change his destiny and future forever.

Join him on his journey to find his identity, value and life's purpose. It's everyman's journey, the journey of the inward soul to rediscover the value, worth and destiny that you've always had but may have never experienced. Journey with Vince and discover your own freedom story through the pages of Child of the King.

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Signed Copy- Child of the King: Discover the honor, purpose, and destiny already within

About Us

Bethany Williams has over 30 years as a corporate growth agent and executive coach to C-suite executives and entrepreneurs across the globe. Known for her speeches that she gives around the globe, she has written 7 books.


Vincent Nelson was a pastor for 17 years, helping thousands of people identify the soul issues within (issues of emotions, the mind, and the will) that keep them from experiencing healthy relationships. Today, he owns and runs a successful wealth advisory firm.

TOGETHER:  Bethany and Vince offer a new perspective to help you achieve LIFE GIVING RELATIONSHIPS.  Experience the best relationships you've ever had. FIND HOPE and live your purpose. Sign up for one of our immersive summits held in the mountains of Colorado.   

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